Soco Falls

by Nunweiler Photography
Soco Falls
Nunweiler Photography
Photograph - Digital Photography
Today is September 14. I haven't been myself in 11 days since Mom passed away. The Smoky Mountains is my sanctuary. Early this morning, we decided to shoot Soco Falls to get a better photograph that we did a year ago. Today is cloudy, so it should not create glare like it did last time. It's a steep climb down the cliff, there are ropes to hold onto as I descend into the canyon where the two wateralls from Soco Creek and the Okonuluftee River meet. I think of my mother, who would have loved this place. I wish she could have seen it. I set up my camera and fixed the right lens, took a couple of test shots until the settings are just right. I love you, Mom. I miss you like crazy. The clouds passed just as I was bending down to take the first series of shots as the light shone through the trees over the waterfall. "Thanks for that, Momma. This will make one hell of a photograph."
February 14th, 2016
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