Night Watchman

by Nunweiler Photography
Night Watchman
Nunweiler Photography
Photograph - Digital Photography
It was the first warm day of the year and I had heard the owls in the back yard closer than I had ever heard them before. I decided to take my Canon in to the edge of the woods on our property to see if I could find him. I hadn't even gotten to the edge yet, when I saw him fly from the top of a tree in front of me to this low branch around knee level. He stared at me as I stared at him. I took about 40 photographs with the honeysuckle branch blocking the majority of his face. I didn't want to move for fear that he would leave. Just as my legs were cramping up, I decided to lean to the left just a bit and take one final attempt at capturing the light on his folded wings.
We hear the owls every evening in the woods behind our house. It's like as our day is ending, the night watchman comes to ensure our safety.
July 3rd, 2011
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