Eastatoe Falls 01

by Nunweiler Photography
Eastatoe Falls 01
Nunweiler Photography
Photograph - Digital Photography
I've been sworn to secrecy regarding this hidden gem's location as it's on private property. I came across another photographer from Fine Art America who gave me directions to this one. He told me it's on private property in a guy's back yard. He doesn't mind photographers coming through, but it probably wouldn't be appreciated if it became a tourist attraction. The last part of the directions were to walk through his back yard to the left to get to the falls. You'll see it as you drive around the back side of his house.
We had been shooting waterfalls for two days and had no luck with cloud cover. It's been extremely dry in this area for a long time. As we approached the end of the directions, the sky opened up in a total downpour. This didn't stop anything. I grabbed the poncho out of my camera bag and covered myself in it with the bag across my back. I reached for my tripod and set off up this man's back yard. After walking up a few steps then back down a few more steps, I came to this base. Under the poncho, I set up my tripod and camera completely blinded from the waterfall to keep my equipment dry. Based on the rain, the lighting on the falls and the lighting at the top of the falls, I adjusted the settings of the camera, knowing I wouldn't be able to look at each image as it was taken. With a two second delay, I pushed the button to capture this beautiful place. Within the two seconds, I lifted the poncho just enough to be out of the shot and held it there for the 2.5 second shutter speed.
Based on being hunched over in the small space, reaching as high, but as far out as possible, this 2.5 seconds felt like a minute. My back was already in pain. From the time I got out of the car to the time I set up and took the first picture was about 3 minutes. I adjusted the settings a little higher and a little lower for 4 more shots before I couldn't bear the pain in my back anymore. I swung my backpack around to my front, loaded up the camera and unextended my tripod.
My wife and I darted back to the car where she asked me "Did you get any decent shots." I replied with "I have no idea. My back hurt so badly hunched under that poncho. We drove away and pulled into the parking lot of a gas station. She looked through the images while I was inside buying some candy bars. When I came back out she said "How did you do that?" No knowing what she was talking about, I said "Do what?" She then showed me this, the first image to took at the waterfall.
June 30th, 2012
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