Cummins Falls

by Nunweiler Photography
Cummins Falls
Nunweiler Photography
Photograph - Digital Photography
The first time we decided to take longer than a week of vacation, we started our anniversary trip in Cookeville, Tennessee. We researched the area to plan our waterfall hiking schedule, starting with smaller hikes and working up to longer ones. At a mile and a half, Cummins Falls was the first one on our list. In our research, we also learned that this is a very popular swimming place so we needed to get there early to shoot the waterfall. When we walked the river upstream, we rounded a bend and the waterfall came in sight. Being the equivalent of an eight story building, it was majestic. The sun was coming up behind the waterfall so we had shade on the falls the entire time we were shooting. Others began to show up as we packed up our equipment. If you're in the Cookeville area, this is a must-see.
July 1st, 2015